The Man Code – Option 2

Scripture provides a code of godly manhood that emboldens you to become all God designed you to be. Our sessions will be packed with useful insights, authentic stories and engaging study questions that will inspire you to embrace your true calling and serve God with courage, conviction and hope; as men, husbands and leaders.

WHEN: Thurdays, September 12–October 17
TIME: 6:45–8:00pm
Jesse Jose | 320-339-6671
Ashton Sahlstrom | 320-241-2290
WHERE: Joy Christian Center
GROUP SIZE: up to 10
OPEN TO: men and teens ages 17 & up
COST: book – The Man Code by Mark Henry
THIS GROUP MEETS: Thursdays, 6:45pm
There is more than one class for this group


Scripture provides a code of godly manhood that emboldens you to become all God designed you to be. Our sessions will be packed with useful insights, authentic stories and engaging study questions that will inspire you to embrace your true calling and serve God with courage, conviction and hope
What does it actually mean to be chosen? To answer that question, we will look through the eyes of those who met Him. Jesus is love and mercy, He extends both to us and invites us to be a part of the family of God. Bring someone with you who needs to meet Jesus…it will be a great way…
How do we handle deceptive/false information? What are the five biblical conditions required before the tribulation can begin? What is the departure of 2 Thessalonians? These questions and many more will be answered in this video led Bible study.