Planning Your Summer Garden

Gather with others to talk about your plans for your summer garden. Whether it’s your first garden or you’ve gardened for years, come and enjoy some great fellowship as we share and learn from each other.

WHEN: Tuesday, March 25
TIME: 6:30–8:00pm
LEADERS: Karl Larsen | 612-219-4602
WHERE: Joy Christian Center
GROUP SIZE: up to 12
OPEN TO: adults
COST: none


In this video-based study from Charis Bible College (including Andrew Wommack), you will gain a deeper understanding of what the Word of God says about healing—spirit, soul and body. Learn how to pray effective and powerful prayers and be equipped to put this knowledge into practice. Lessons include: God Wants You Well, God’s Love for You, Healing – Spirit, Soul and Body, The True Nature of God, He came to Destroy the Works of the Enemy and more. Get ready to receive what God has provided!
Join us Thursday, January 16th as we host a one-night event for people who want to check out the Healing University Group and see what it’s all about. You will experience one of the actual teaching modules and group talks. After, you will have the opportunity to sign up for a Mod 1 group…
Today’s culture is designed to take you down. Credit cards, car loans, student loans…they’ll keep you paying way too much money for way too long. But there is a way out of the mess. By applying the principles of Financial Peace University you can take control of your money and change your future