Mommy and Me

Moms, join us one Saturday a month with your littles to hang out, talk and do something fun together! We’ll meet at Joy or a park depending on the weather. Craft activities will be planned for some of the meetings.

WHEN: Saturdays, 2/8, 3/8, 4/5, 5/3 & 6/14
TIME: 10:00–11:30am
LEADERS: Madalyn Kihne | 320-492-6478
Samantha Jose | 763-244-4391
WHERE: Joy Christian Center & various parks
GROUP SIZE: up to 12
OPEN TO: moms with kids ages birth–6yrs
COST: $5 – fee for craft supplies


Freedom is available! You will learn the tools to let go of your hurts, bitterness, resentments and fears. You can have peace and happiness like God intended you to have when you find out how to let go and let God heal you.
Join us for this interactive group designed to help you discover more about yourself. We’ll be doing a gift inventory and personality assessment with time to explore what this means for your life and relationships.
Join us as we explore the aspects of faith that are fundamental to spiritual growth as well as ten clear steps for you to take as you move toward Christ. This group is for everyone, from people exploring a commitment to Jesus, to those who wish to remind themselves of the basis of their faith.