Men’s Fellowship at Rock Creek

Join us Saturday mornings, as our only agenda is to encourage one another to be the men that God has called us to be and we’ll enjoy some coffee too!

WHEN: Saturdays
TIME: 8:00–9:30am
Randy Piechowski | 320-267-4793
Jesse Spaeth | 320-290-8650
WHERE: Rock Creek Coffeehouse
214 2nd Ave N
Sauk Rapids, MN 56379
GROUP SIZE: unlimited
OPEN TO: men
COST: cost of food & beverages purchased


Join us for this interactive group designed to help you discover more about yourself. We’ll be doing a gift inventory and personality assessment with time to explore what this means for your life and relationships.
Moms, join us one Saturday a month with your littles to hang out, talk and do something fun together! We’ll meet at Joy or a park depending on the weather. Craft activities will be planned for some of the meetings.
We will continue our verse by verse video and discussion study of 2 Thessalonians. Topics covered include: the son of perdition, Israel’s coming temple, the works of the Holy Spirit at the end of the church age and in the Tribulation, intimacy with God, Church purity and discipline.