Men’s Bible Study & Coffee

Join us for this opportunity to hang out over some coffee as we explore the foundations of a relationship with God. Based on Andrew Wommack’s study, A Sure Foundation, we will learn scriptural principles that show you how to reap a harvest of God’s promises in every area of your life.

WHEN: Saturdays, February 8–March 29 (no group 3/15)
TIME: 8:00–10:00am
Randy Piechowski | 320-267-4793
John Neurer | 320-469-1093
WHERE: Joy Christian Center
GROUP SIZE: up to 15
OPEN TO: men
COST: none


We, of Alcoholics Anonymous, are more than 100 men and women who have recovered from a seemingly hopeless state of mind and body. The main purpose of this group is to show other alcoholics precisely how we have recovered. Join us to learn how this 12-step study can transform your life.
In this video-based study from Charis Bible College (including Andrew Wommack), you will gain a deeper understanding of what the Word of God says about healing—spirit, soul and body. Learn how to pray effective and powerful prayers and be equipped to put this knowledge into practice…
Join us Saturday mornings, as our only agenda is to encourage one another to be the men that God has called us to be and we’ll enjoy some coffee too!