Knit Together

A group for lovers of crafting. Whether you crochet, knit, cross stitch or enjoy other crafts, bring your current project and connect with others. All skill levels welcome. Megan is able to assist beginners with crocheting.

WHEN: Mondays, January 27–March 17
TIME: 6:00–8:00pm
LEADERS: Megan Stiles | 605-809-5489
WHERE: Joy Christian Center
GROUP SIZE: up to 12
OPEN TO: adult and teens grades 6 & up
COST: none


MOMS is a local group that seeks to encourage women in their mothering and in their relationships by pointing them to Jesus through building community with moms of all ages and stages. This group is hosted at Calvary Community Church. Learn more here:
Moms, join us one Saturday a month with your littles to hang out, talk and do something fun together! We’ll meet at Joy or a park depending on the weather. Craft activities will be planned for some of the meetings.
Gather with others to talk about your plans for your summer garden. Whether it’s your first garden or you’ve gardened for years, come and enjoy some great fellowship as we share and learn from each other.