Healing University – Option 2

In this video-based study from Charis Bible College (including Andrew Wommack), you will gain a deeper understanding of what the Word of God says about healing—spirit, soul and body. Learn how to pray effective and powerful prayers and be equipped to put this knowledge into practice. Lessons include: God Wants You Well, God’s Love for You, Healing – Spirit, Soul and Body, The True Nature of God, He came to Destroy the Works of the Enemy and more. Get ready to receive what God has provided!

WHEN: Wednesdays, January 29–March 19
TIME: 1:00–2:30pm
Brad Messner | 612-750-7943
WHERE: Joy Christian Center
GROUP SIZE: unlimited
OPEN TO: adults and teens grades 10 & up
COST: none
THIS GROUP MEETS: Wednesdays, 1:00pm
There is more than one class for this group


We will continue our verse by verse video and discussion study of 2 Thessalonians. Topics covered include: the son of perdition, Israel’s coming temple, the works of the Holy Spirit at the end of the church age and in the Tribulation, intimacy with God, Church purity and discipline.
In this video-based study from Charis Bible College (including Andrew Wommack), you will gain a deeper understanding of what the Word of God says about healing—spirit, soul and body. Learn how to pray effective and powerful prayers and be equipped to put this knowledge into practice. Lessons include: God Wants You Well, God’s Love for You, Healing – Spirit, Soul and Body, The True Nature of God, He came to Destroy the Works of the Enemy and more. Get ready to receive what God has provided!
Today’s culture is designed to take you down. Credit cards, car loans, student loans…they’ll keep you paying way too much money for way too long. But there is a way out of the mess. By applying the principles of Financial Peace University you can take control of your money and change your future