2 Thessalonians – Balancing Working & Waiting – Option 1

We will continue our verse by verse video and discussion study of 2 Thessalonians. Topics covered include: the son of perdition, Israel’s coming temple, the works of the Holy Spirit at the end of the church age and in the Tribulation, intimacy with God, Church purity and discipline.

WHEN: Tuesdays, January 14–July 8 (no group 4/15 & 7/1)
TIME: 6:30–8:00pm
Pastor Tim Lambert | 320-253-7819
Bill Slininger | 320-217-3138
WHERE: Joy Christian Center
GROUP SIZE: unlimited
OPEN TO: adults and teens grades 10 & up
COST: none
THIS GROUP MEETS: Tuesdays, 6:30pm
There is more than one class for this group


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